Proper nutrition: how to eat and lose weight

Quick snacks, fast food and an unbalanced diet ruin your figure. The body suffers from inadequate eating habits and stores fat to conserve energy. This is how excess weight appears. Today we are going to talk about how to eat to lose weight.

Basic principles of proper nutrition

The main principle of proper nutrition is to maintain a balance between the consumption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. On average, the total number of calories consumed per day is 2, 000. Of these, 45–65% are carbohydrates, 20–35% are fats and 10–35% are proteins. With this system, the body receives all the nutrients in the right doses.

foods for proper nutrition when losing weight

In addition to proteins, fats and carbohydrates, you need to add fiber and foods that contain vitamins and minerals that the body needs for life to the menu.

In addition to maintaining a balance between minerals, it is necessary to control the amount of calories consumed. Eliminate junk food from your diet: high-fat foods, flour products, fast food, sweets, carbonated drinks. Keep the amount of salt in your diet to a minimum. The fact is that the salt retains liquid in the body - this leads to edema.

The restrictions also apply to the portion size - 250-300 grams. In this case, it is necessary to eat fractionally - it is recommended to eat every 2–2, 5 hours.

In addition to food, do not forget that it is necessary to drink 2 liters of liquid per day. Water cleanses the body of toxins and removes harmful substances.

The table below contains permitted and prohibited foods for weight loss.

Allowed products for weight loss Prohibited weight loss products Foods that should be limited
Vegetable High sugar foods and beverages Red meat
Fruit Flour products Butter
Cereals Semi-finished products Vegetable oil
Cereals Fast food White rice
Dairy products Candy White bread
A fish Bakery products Potatoes
Lean meat (chicken, turkey) Smoked meats Dry fruits
Whole wheat bread Canned food
Eggs Mayonnaise
Durum wheat pasta

Legends and myths about nutrition

Let's debunk the most popular myth: there are no special foods that can help you lose weight.

Weight loss occurs by burning the calories consumed. At the same time, it is not so important from which products you get energy. You can improve with a restricted diet of chicken breast and buckwheat if you eat a lot.

There are no foods with negative calorie content, for which the body uses more energy to process than it receives. Cucumbers, celery and cabbage are generally considered. In reality, the body spends about 30% of its energy value in processing any product.

Why diets don't work

Don't be fooled by the criticisms of the "most effective diet" All popular nutritional systems for weight loss are based on reducing your daily calorie intake. In some cases, for example, by restricting carbohydrates, weight can be reduced due to fluid loss, but this effect is short-lived.

The main reasons why diets are ineffective:

  • Refusal to eat leads to a slowdown in metabolism.
  • The diet will not give you strength and muscle mass, but it will only lead to the exhaustion of the body.
  • The expressed diets "lose weight by 10 kg in two days" - just a loss of fluid.
  • A diet that has helped other people may not be right for you.
  • In the body, everything is organized in a very individual way, so an incorrectly selected nutritional system can seriously damage your health.

How to plan the right diet for weight loss

For proper weight loss, you need to carefully consider your diet. Try to eat at the same time every day. Make a schedule, include all meals, even snacks, and stick to it. Try not to skip breakfast. You don't feel hungry in the morning, but breakfast is an important ritual, thanks to which your body is energized all day.

a dish for a healthy diet

Don't ignore your hunger. With food shortages, the body begins to store fat. As soon as you feel the need to eat, have a small snack - eat an apple or drink a glass of kefir.

In addition to all meals, include daily exercise in your schedule. Plan your day not to exercise on a full stomach or, on the contrary, not to stuff yourself after exercise.

If you constantly think about a piece of chocolate while on a diet, eat and take it easy. Just stay in control and remember that all calories consumed will need to be burned.

Ideal diet for weight loss

The daily diet for weight loss is divided into 5-6 meals. It is best to steam, boil or roast dishes. Foods fried in refined fat or sunflower oil are prohibited. Flaxseed or olive oil are a good alternative.

The ideal breakfast menu consists of complex carbohydrates, a small amount of protein and a small portion of fruit. For lunch, you can eat vegetables or dairy products. A healthy lunch consists of lean meat (chicken or turkey), vegetables and complex carbohydrates.

As an afternoon snack, we advise you to have a snack with vegetables or curd. For dinner - proteins and vegetables. That said, try not to eat a lot of potatoes, corn, beets and carrots. These vegetables increase blood sugar levels. Before going to bed, eat a piece of cottage cheese or drink a glass of kefir. This will satisfy your hunger and help you fall asleep quickly.

We recommend nuts and vegetables for snacks throughout the day. If you are very hungry and are still a long way from your next meal, grab a wholemeal bread and place the sliced avocado on top. This dish contains healthy fats and carbohydrates, which you will not put on weight. You can also eat a handful of almonds if you don't feel like overeating.

Nutritional advice

First, the diet must be balanced - it is necessary to respect the protein, fat and carbohydrate content, without going beyond the daily caloric intake.

Nutritionists recommend keeping a food diary, where you can write down everything you eat during the day. This control will help you to avoid falling into prohibited foods.

Drink a glass of warm water with lemon half an hour before the first meal. This will speed up your metabolism.

Remember that when you lose weight, you shouldn't feel bad. Do not force yourself to a rigid structure. Proper nutrition does not harm the body and helps maintain a healthy lifestyle.


"I consider the result a set of achievements: food and composition, in addition to physical condition. Now that I practice fractional meals (4-5 times a day), with small portions, I stopped eating junk food. Now in my diet there are no canned andfritters, bakery products (just like cereals), salt, sugar and sauces. I'm already used to this type of food and I feel comfortable. It is true that it is still difficult to give up sweets, so I still eat sometimes, but without fanaticism. "

"For me, dieting is torture. I have difficulty controlling food, the process of losing weight is very difficult for me. For a long time I was unable to lose weight, and I decided to go to the gym. I learned a lot about a healthy lifestyle andI realized that you shouldn't run out of complicated diets. Proper nutrition has become a lifestyle for me. I lost weight, I sleep well and I look great. "

"I've been on a lot of diets for a long time. Over time, they stopped helping me. Somehow, I decided to change my lifestyle and consult professionals. Fitness coaches recommend starting a healthy diet and exercising regularly at the gym. I feel great, there is a certain lightness in my body. I am very satisfied with the result. "

Eating well is a great way to lose weight without harming your health.